Nutrition and Training by Michael

Weekly Training and/or Nutritional Programs

The most common reason why individuals do not see results is because their nutrition is not where it should be.  This is why I provide individualized nutritional programs. I offer this service with or without training.  You may know how to workout but not how to fuel your body properly for the best results. The nutrition plan is a great way to establish new and/or proper eating habits. You will gain a better understanding about fueling your body and will learn what type of diet works best for your body type. During the this period, I will provide detailed weekly meal plans, including information on what to eat, when to eat, and why you are eating it. I can also provide information about proper supplementation to maximize your results. (I highly suggest a minimum of  12-weeks per program)

Additionally, Some have the basics of training down but need more direction. This is why I develop individual workout programs for at least a 12-week period. The program includes e-mail and phone consultations during the 12+ weeks. This service allows you to train alone while trying a new routine. Changing your workout every couple of weeks enables you to maximize results in the gym and prevents you from reaching a plateau.
These workout and/or nutritional programs work as follows:

  1. Schedule a 30-60 minute consultation meeting or phone call. From there I will be able to design a personalized training plan and/or nutrition plan. We will discuss your performance and/or body composition goals.  Please be prepared to describe a typical week’s workout and/or diet. If you do not already have a baseline diet or training schedule, the first couple of weeks will be used to establish a baseline. The people who get the most out of these programs are the ones are who put the most into them; planning and monitoring are a must for optimal results.
  2. Every three weeks, we will meet to review your progress. We will determine whether to adjust your routine or keep it the same to maximize your results.  Throughout your program, I will be available most hours of the day to answer any questions you may have.
  3. Finally, at the end of the 12-week period, we will have a recap meeting and decide whether you want to continue or try things on your own for a while.

Pricing: Diet Plans - $35-$45/ Week
            Training Plans - $20/ Week
            Diet Plan w/Training Plan - $40-$50/ Week
(Please contact me for availability and any questions)